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Select Mindfulness Publications UF Mindfulness Team-members

  1. Grunwald S. (2024). Critical hermeneutical inquiry: Participatory spirituality, Buddhist modernism, and secularized Buddhism in North America. In B. Flanagan & K. Clough (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of research methods in spirituality and contemplative studies. Routledge, New York, NY (pp. 89–112).

  2. LaMontagne L.G., Doty J.L., Diehl D.C., Nesbit T.S., Gage N.A., Kumbkarni N. and Leon S.P. (2024). Acceptability, usage, and efficacy of mindfulness apps for college student mental health: A systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs. Journal of Affective Disorders, 367, 951–971.

  3. Cai R., Wang Y.-C. and Zhang T. (2024). Does metaverse stimulate tourism prosocial behavior? A mindfulness-drien model with a psychological ownership perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.

  4. Wang Y.-C., Lu Y. (Darcy), Grunwald S., Chu S. L., Kamble P. and Kumar J. (2024). An AI approach to support student mental health: Case of developing an AI-powered web-platform with nature-based mindfulness. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 36(3), 267-289.

  5. Wang Y.-C., Deale C.S. and Uysal M. (2024). Mindfulness and mental health research in hospitality and tourism education and the workplace. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 36(3): 201-204.

  6. Wang Y.-C. , Chung Y.-S., Lin C.-K. and Chen P.-J. (2024). Using YouTube meditation videos to boost mindfulness and occupational health during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Stress Management, 31(2): 105-120.

  7. Grunwald S. (2023). Ecosattvas and ecodharma – Modern Buddhist perspectives of soil and the environment. In N. Patzel, S. Grunwald, E.C. Brevik & C. Feller (Eds.), Cultural Understanding of Soils. Springer, New York, NY (pp. 245-260). (chap. ebook)

  8. Puig A., Swank J.M., Haynes-Thoby L. and Paladino D.A. (2023). Foundations in becoming a professional counselor: Advocacy, social justice, and intersectionality. Springer, New York, NY. 

  9. Ardelt M., Kim J. and Ferrari M. (2021). Self-transcendent wisdom mediates the association between spirituality and well-being in six nations, 5(Suppl 1., 131,

  10. Grunwald S. (2021). Embodied liberation in participatory theory and Buddhist Modernism Vajrayana. Journal of Dharma Studies. doi:10.1007/s42240-021-00092-4.

  11. Grossman I., Weststrate N.M., Ardelt M., Brienza J.P., Dong M. Ferrari M., Fournier M.A., Hu C.S., Nusbaum H.C. and Vervaeke J. (2020). The science of wisdom in a polarized world: Knowns and unknowns. Psychological Inquiry Journal, 31(2).

  12. Grunwald S. and LaMontagne L. (2020). The state of mindfulness at top U.S. public universities: A brief review and lessons learned, pp. 331-353, chapter 19. In S. K. Dhiman (Ed.), The Routledge companion to mindfulness at work. Routledge ISBN 9780367200046. 

  13. Lenes E., Swank J.M., Hart K.A., Machado M.M., Darilus S., Ardelt M., Smith-Adcock S., Rockwood Lane M. and Puig A. (2020). Color-conscious multicultural mindfulness training in the counseling field. Journal of Counseling & Development, 98(2): 147-158.

  14. Ardelt M. (2019). Wisdom and well-being. In R.J. Sternberg and J. Glück (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Wisdom. Cambridge University Press (pp. 602-625).

  15. Ardelt M. and Grunwald S. (2018). The importance of self-reflection and awareness for human development in hard times. Research in Human Development J. 15(3-4): 187-199.

  16. Grunwald S., Ardelt M., Puig A., Lasseter N.J., Ritz L.A., Lewis F., Brown A., Holton K., Snyder J., Dolen N.F., Drake T., Tannen T., Murphy M., Turner E. and Lindner A.S. (2016).  Embracing mindfulness – breath-by-breath – at the University of Florida. Contemplative Practices for the 21st Century University Conference, March 10-12, 2016, Blacksburg, Virginia. (pdf)

University of Florida, UF Mindfulness Program 

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